Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Netflix at Night

I have Netflix. If you're like me and never remember to return a movie until several days after it's due and you end up spending more money on the late fees then you did on the initial rental, Netflix is definitely the way to go. I LOVE getting the red packages in the mail every week (when I return in a timely manner) and I LOVE watching movies online. For sometime now, I have been watching The Munsters every night before I go to sleep. I'm not sure why I choose this particular show, however, The Munsters have become part of my bedtime ritual and I must watch them almost every night in order to fall asleep. I just felt like sharing! Goodnight!

(disclaimer: I do love Netflix, but they didn't pay me to advertise for them. Thanks, Lauren!)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Facial Upgrade

Yesterday, my momma and I went to Macon to the dermatologist office for me to have a facial upgrade (a procedure if you will). Several years ago I suffered from terrible acne (thank you mom) and after I got help clearing that up, I was left with clear yet scarred skin. On one hand, I'm okay with these scars. They help me remember that at one time, I was not so satisfied with my looks for good reason. On the other hand, they bother me. Really, really bother me. So, I decided to seek help from my dermatologist, Dr. Kent, and do something about my scars instead of just not be happy with the way I look.
I figured this facial upgrade would hurt a little, but I don't think I was fully prepared for what would happen. You have to wash your face with special antibacterial soap before you go and put bactroban under in your naval, nose and under your nails. Then, when we got there, I had to sit in a room with a numbing cream (that looked like mayonnaise) all over my face for about an hour (no...seriously... an hour). Then...they put goggles over you eyes and you lay there as a very nice woman zaps your face with a laser. At first, it really wasn't so bad. That girl did a pretty good job slathering numbing cream all over my face. What I didn't know until we'd already started was that she wouldn't just go over my face once. She would go over every inch twice. Now, the first time, I could barely feel the little stings, but the second time! Oh lordy! It felt like a very mean person was shocking my face over and over again. Or like a jellyfish got ahold of me! Yikes did it hurt! She told me she would stop if I really needed her to, but I sucked it up and thought it would be better if she just finished all at once!
After you get your face burned off, they let you cool down. They had the most fabulous roller that is icy cold out of the freezer that you rub all over your face! I'm sure I scared some people after I left. As Lauren told me, it looked like I had a red beard all over the lower portion of my face. It didn't hurt at that point, but the ice packs they gave me to take home sure were nice. I even felt good enough to go to Hobby Lobby and Target and I was hopping the people were paying more attention to James than they were to me!
Today was not so pleasant. I woke up and felt the swelling immediately. I washed my face and then looked in the mirror and started crying. My whole face was swollen and had little tiny spots of blood! It didn't hurt necessarily, I think it really just scared me more than anything. They tell you not to wear makeup for 48 hours after getting the procedure. Ah, trust me, I'm not going anywhere and even if I was, makeup could definitely not cover the disaster that my face is right now! As the day has gone on, my swelling has gone down significantly and I'm so thankful! I'll post an update after I'm completely recovered. I think I'll have to get 4 or 5 more treatments and I'm hoping each one becomes less painful!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's Try Biking For a Change of Pace

Anyone who knows me knows that I start new projects frequently. The only problem is that I start new projects, get really into them and then never finish...ever! I start reading countless books only to put them down before I reach the end (not good when you were an English major), I learned to knit (sadly only scaves), I started running with the intention of running a half marathon in January (only to quit before I could technically run a full 5 K). I had good intentions when starting each of these projects and countless others only to never finish them. The good news for me is that I am a starter and Lance is a finisher. I decide I want to refinish a piece of furniture, give it a few hours of my attention, say I'm going to come back later and then Lance ends up finishing things for me. He can't stand to leave things halfway finished (unless you count laundry and dishes)!

Tonight began a new project for us. I called Lance after work to let him know I was going to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Much to my surprise he was already there with one of his friends. They were in the bike isle picking out new bikes and helmets. Fortunately, I already have a bike that I got from Santa about 10 years ago and my sister and brother-in-law recently brought it to me! I was already set to being this new biking venture!

I figured that since it was our first biking adventure, we would probably go a few miles. More like 7.5 when we finished! I'm pretty excited about this new project, mostly because it means I don't have to run and because I didn't have to spend $150 on a new bike that I might be tired of riding in a few weeks! Wish us luck on our new biking routine! More likely than not, I'll be posting soon on how I had a horrific accident and fell off and will never ride again...only time will tell! Stay tuned, this could get interesting!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, My!

Very recently, Lance decided to begin a new business venture (I won’t get into the details now, mostly because I know barely anything at this point) which required him to make a journey to Jacksonville for the day. He got up at the crack of dawn (meaning twenty minutes after he was supposed to get up, as is good Lance fashion) and left for Jacksonville at approximately 6:45 a.m. He didn’t have to be there until 10:00, so he was already doing well.

I was at his house most of the morning, attempting to do as little as possible and waste a perfectly good day. Try as I might however, I did end up doing some productive tasks. I unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher, washed and dried his clothes, re-organized his furniture. Typically, one wouldn’t enjoy doing these things, but I actually enjoy housework when I have time and am not forced to do them. At about 7:55 p.m. I decided it was probably time for me to go home and take a shower due to the fact that I hadn’t had one since 6:45 a.m. the day before and since we were supposed to go to dinner with another couple. I efficiently put the puppy outside, turned off the lights and left Lance’s house.

Since Lance was coming back through town and was starving, he decided to swing by my house and pick me up after my shower. After I got into the car, we both decided we would just go back to his house and eat something there and relax. As we were walking in the door, I was explaining to him how I thought we should move the furniture around in one of the rooms. As I entered the back of his house, I suddenly realized his back door leading out to the garage was standing ajar. I’m not sure why, but whenever these types of situations present themselves, I always remain extremely calm for the first 20 seconds and ask aloud why something is the way it is. For instance, when I was standing in my bathroom one night and happened to look out through the window and see a man’s face staring back at me, I asked, “Who is that?” in the most calm and fluid manner. As if these things are just going to have logical answers to them! I once again used that reasoning when I spotted the open door.

Lance told me to stay there and went into the other room to get his shot gun. I looked around and felt even more puzzled because nothing seemed to be missing at first glance. After I had been standing there about 30 seconds, Lance called out, “Anna, someone stole my shotgun!”. Now, please remember that I had been moving furniture earlier that day and for some reason, I just happened to re-arrange the room he keeps his guns in. The only gun I touched was that shotgun and I put it in the closet of that room. If I hadn’t been so scared at that moment, I would have burst out laughing because he thought someone had actually left the four TVs, computer, and whatever else we have that might be of value in that house and had stolen his shotgun in one of the back rooms!

After checking all of the rooms and closets thoroughly, Lance came to the conclusion that when I put the dog out earlier, I shut the door but it didn’t close all the way and just gradually opened up. That is the theory we are sticking with because I don’t want to know if someone actually broke in at this point. The funny thing is that I dreamt that night that someone broke in and we found a man with a beard asleep in Lance’s guest room. This dream, I fear came from the fact that someone actually broke into a house down the street from where my dad lives. A woman came home during the middle of the day to find a strange man taking a shower in her house. When she called the police, he calmly explained that everything was okay because he was the Duke of Germany.

Needless to say, this was probably the most exciting thing that happened to us all weekend, but it does make for a pretty funny story!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Growing in God

I don't think I realized that when you take a step toward God and make a committment to yourself and him, you also have to step up as a Christian. What I mean is, I didn't realize that I couldn't be silent and blend into the background anymore. I am so talkative and bubbly around people I know...but it takes a looooonnnnggg time for me to get to that point.

Looking back on just these last few months, I have spoken in church in front of a few hundred people as well as people watching on tv. I have raised hundreds of dollars through selling sheets, pork loins and fried chicken dinners. I have become a part of a team with people counting on me, people I don't even know are counting on me to honor a promise I made four months ago. I have spoken up and defended my actions and attributions to someone who doubted my intentions for going on this mission trip. I have learned so much about myself! But...none of this is about me. Yes, all of those accomplishments are personal and something to be proud of. But the reason I am doing all of these things is because I feel that God needs me and wants me to do them for him.

Jesus gave us the most wonderful gift in the world. For a long time I struggled with the be "G," guilt. I felt so guilty that Jesus could give me something so wonderful when I don't deserve it and can never, ever be grateful enough!

I have so, so, so much farther to go in my relationship with God, but I am finally beginning to take pride in my actions and commitments! Lance and I are so grateful for this opportunity and only hope that we can do it justice!

We appreciate all of the love and support more than we can ever share! Please pray for us as we continue our journey in Christ and on this mission trip!



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh What a Wonderful Weekend!

Lance and I decided we needed some R&R this weekend! On Friday we loaded up the car with bags and a large puppy and headed down to St. Augustine! We got there too late on Friday night to go out so we just unpacked, walked Finny, and watched a movie.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful! I took Finn for an early morning walk (he's used to running free in the backyard all day) then we got Lance and all went for a Jeep ride! Finn loved hanging out the sides and smelling everything we passed. It was so cute to see him running back and forth in the backseat (he had on a leash and I was holding the other end, so he wasn't getting out)! Lance and I tried to layout for a bit after our ride, but the wind got the better of us after about 30 minutes. We went back took a nap then showered and got ready for dinner. About 5 minutes down the road from the condo is a cute little restuarant called JR's. They had a live band and a bar outside. We dranks some margaritas and listened to music while waiting on our table. Lance ordered Ahi Tuna (yuck! I'm too scared to try it) and I ordered a Mahi Mahi with pinapple salsa on top! Yum-O! I tried to save half but...I kinda started dancing in the car and my to go box dropped on the floor of Lance's truck! Oops!

Sunday was a little dreary! We took Finny for another walk and then packed up to head home! All in all, it was a great weekend! I have some pictures of Finn hanging out of the Jeep, but I'm too lazy to put them up! haha!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Week of Celebration!

It has been a busy week around here! A "normal" week for Lance and I would consist of us going to work, getting home, fixing/eating dinner, exercising, watching tv, and then I go home and go to bed. We are one exciting couple, I know! ha!

This week started out pretty slow with the "normal" routine and got busy, busy, busy after that! Wednesday was one of Lance's coworkers last days in the cath lab. Kyle and his wife Kayla are moving back to Albany so Kyle can work at Phoebe and go back to school. About 20 people went to Loco's on St. Patty's day to celebrate and say farewell! Kyle really will be missed at work, but I know Lance and I will see him and Kayla all the time!

Thursday was Lance's 28th birthday! Wow! He's getting so old! I think this year was still go for Lance, but I think he's a little worried about getting closer to 30! I can't believe he's almost that old. When we started dating 3 1/2 years ago, he was the age I am now! For his birthday, Lance decided he wanted to go out of town since he was oncall Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We drove down to Valdosta and at a Japanese grill. It was actually really nice because no one else was seated at our table with us and we got our own private cook and show! While we were eating, our waiter came up and told us a car blew up outside. I got really worried and asked Lance to go outside and make sure it wasn't my car...or one close by! haha! It was actually across the street and I don't think anyone was hurt, just a lot of smoke!

Friday, I got off work at 4:30, picked Lance up and we went to the grocery store. My wonderful mother picked up some BBQ and Brunswick stew from a fantastic place for dinner. We came home a whipped up baked beans, salad, BBQ and stew for Lance's parents, aunt, uncle, counsins, and my parents to celebrate his birthday! We had a wonderful time and the best part is, Lance's aunt Shelby helped me wash all the dishes! Bless her heart! I meant to take some pictures, but I never realized how time consuming it is to be a hostess! haha!

I got up early on Saturday to clean my room and bathroom which I have been neglecting for months! Lance went out to his land to do some mowing and cleaning up. We once again played host and hostess to four people that work with Lance on Saturday night. Lance grilled burgers and quail to celebrate the warm weather (I had a veggie burger) and we had a really wonderful time!

Whew! This week and weekend have been a whirl wind, but we've really enjoyed hanging out with all our friends and meeting new people! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend also!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

When I was a little girl, I loved the color pink, baby dolls and doll houses! I was such a girly girl and I think it's all because my daddy made me that way! He always took Lauren and I to Babyland General to watch Cabbage Patch Dolls being born! I love that he has given me my fantastic collection of Nesting Dolls and he knows I love blankets! I only wish that I could give him more!

I'm just so thankful to have such a wonderful Daddy who loves me and still takes care of me to this day! I hope you have a wonderful birthday Daddy! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

It's March for crying out loud! Why is it still snowing in Georgia! Last year I was still living in Athens and around this very time there was a huge snow storm! It just so happened that midterms were the very next day and lovely, always up-to-date UGA didn't announce that school was cancelled until about 7 or 8 that night! Umm...I was only already above Macon! Thanks a lot UGA! What would have been a 3 hour trip turned into almost 5 hours with me driving alone in snow! People from Georgia know how to drive in rain and mud...but not in snow! I was scared to death and at one point driving 20 mph just to keep from sliding off the road! SO glad I don't have to worry about that this year!

Monday, March 1, 2010

In Exercising News...

I've been pretty bad the last 2 weeks! Last week, I exercised only 2 or 3 times and the week before...I really feel off the wagon by not exercising AT ALL! Yikes!

I decided to start this week off right and asked Lance if he would run a 5k with me tonight. That little sweetheart ran behind me the whole time and we only stopped to walk twice for about 30 seconds each! It's pretty sad that I haven't ran in about a month yet my 5k time was better tonight then it was 4 months ago when Lance and I were actually "training" for this 5k.

I'm trying to stay up on my videos and this weekend I bought a "Dancing With The Stars" workout video with Latin dances. I haven't tried it yet but I'm really excited about trying something new. Lance doesn't know this, but every time those P90X videos come on, I secretly want to order then and see how good those work!

Working out has changed so much for me in the last few months and ever since I've started doing "The Biggest Loser" videos, I've realized that my body can do so much more than I think it can. When you have someone pushing you and telling you not to give up, it makes it so much easier to keep going!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Lance and I are going to a meeting at our church tonight to get some information about our upcoming mission trip to Peru. After today I'll have a better idea of what we are getting ourselves into. I've been forewarned by Lauren already of some things to expect as far as clothing!

Have you ever been on a mission trip before? If so, what did you take, wish you had taken or could have lived without for a week!

I'm really excited, but I feel like I need lots of advice! I'm so glad we have 3 more months to prepare!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I'm usually not very romantic nor do I really care about Valentine's Day, but I thought I might share my favorite V-day memory anyway!

Last year, about a week before Valentine's Day, I found a flyer offering Golden Retriever puppies for sale. Lance and I had been discussing getting a puppy for a long time and I thought this flyer must be fate! I called Lance to see if he was still interested in getting a puppy and he told me only if they were a good price and he only wanted a boy puppy. It definitely was fate when I called and asked the woman who answered if she still had any puppies left. She had only one and it was a boy for $150.

My best friend Anna offered to go with me to look at the puppy that night. The first thought that came into my mind when I saw our puppy was the fact that he was HUGE! He was 11 weeks old and already gigantic which honestly made me a little hesitant about getting him! I immediately fell in love with him and took him home! Then the panic of being unprepared for a puppy set in! I remember talking to Lance on the phone and saying, "but I have nowhere to put him when I'm in class and I don't know what kind of food to feed him! Why did I do this?"

Trust me, getting a new puppy is much more work then I thought it would be and neither Lance nor I slept for several months because the puppy had stomach issues, but it was all totally worth it! Even though he can still be the biggest pain and he still jumps on us and bites us, it is all worth it when you are laying on the couch and he comes and puts his head in your lap or gives you wet kisses because he's so happy to see you. Finn is the sweetest baby anyone could ask for. When Lance and I go away and leave him at home, whether it's for the night or a weekend, I miss him so much and I worry if he's cold or lonely!

He was the best present I ever got for Lance and I'm so glad we decided to get him! I love you Finny the Pooh! Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mysterious Romance

One of my dreams came true tonight! haha! Well... it's not really that big of a deal, but I still think it was sortof miraculous! One of mine and Lance's favorite places to eat in Tifton, Asahi, has been closed for weeks so it could renovate and tonight it finally opened back up. Of course that means we were craving it and so was everyone else in Tifton! When I say everyone, I mean everyone!

First we decided to try going through the drive through, but when I saw a girl I work with go inside and move easily through the line as we sat still for 15 minutes, I thought going in might be the answer. I jumped out and left Lance in the drive-through line just in case that started to move. The more I waited in line inside, I realized that it would probably be a better idea to just get him to park, come inside and save a table for us while I was in line ordering. I called him quickly on my phone and told him to come in, but while I was waiting for him, I was scared we would lose the table I'd been eyeing. Andrea, the girl I work with, was a sweetheart and sat down to save the table for us until Lance came in. Shortly after he got there Andrea got her food and left.

And then the miracles of miracles happened! For the last three years Lance and I have been dating, I have begged him to sit on the same side of the table with me when we were eating out alone. Tonight was the night my friends! After Andrea left, Lance didn't move to the other side of the table. That's right! He stayed on the same side as me! He would never, never, never do this before because he thought it looked weird and he needed space to eat. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Lance sitting on the same side of the table with me all the time, but once, just this once, it was nice to sit close!

Ah what a fantasy! This my friends is what happens to people after they date for a few years. Sometimes just the little things satisfy! This year for Valentine's Day I'm taking Lance to Mellow Mushroom so he can try all the flavors of beer they serve! How romantic! And you want to know what I asked him to do for me?!? Take my car to have the oil changed and then get it washed and cleaned out! Oh yes, we are sohoho romantic! haha!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Poor Little Lance

Apparently it's hard working in the cath lab these days. Lance has had a terrible week and it started yesterday when I called to ask if he could take my car to be serviced since he gets off of work two hours before me. He told me it was the worst day he's ever had at work and although he didn't go any further into detail then, he looked just miserable! Poor thing! He got home today by about 4 and then was called in again about 5 or 5:30.

It usually takes them about 2 hours to finish up a procedure when they get called in and then one of the on call people has to go back a certain number of hours later to check on the patient and remove a sheath (I have no clue how to spell that word). I thought the second part was a piece-of-cake until Lance told me that the nurses have no clue how to remove these themselves and that after Lance, or the other on call person, removes the sheath they have to give the nurses instructions on how long to apply pressure to keep the person from bleeding to death! This also means that if Lance messes up this procedure, then they either have to call someone from the cath team in, or try to get a doctor up there to help them stop the bleeding! That's some serious stuff!

I know Lance loves his job, but now I really understand why it can be so stressful. People get frustrated when I don't do my job correctly, but no one will die if I mess up and trust me, I am so thankful for that!

I guess we'll be waiting until next weekend to go see the new play being put on in town!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Chee WaWa!

Adios Denise Austin! I just did my third Last Chance workout with Jillian from Biggest Loser and wow! She kicks my butt everytime! The best thing about this dvd is the way it's split into workouts. There are different workout routines for 6 days of the week and that's just for weeks 1 and 2. After you finish those weeks, you progress up, but I'll probably be on the first two weeks for more like 3! Yikes! It is the most intense way I've ever worked out and I would never have the motivation to do this on my own!

If you're trying to get inshape and tone up, I highly recommend it! Just don't give up after a few days! I'm sore, but it's nothing that would interfere with my daily life (aka I can still walk)!

I'm hoping that by warm weather, nothing will be sticking out in weird places around my bathing suit! haha!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fitness Update

Surprisingly, I haven't given up the workouts just yet! It seems I found my niche in doing workout videos from home. Although I like Denise Austin, her bootcamp video was becoming a little stale after doing several times a week, so I went out and purchased some new videos last night.

If you go the fitness section in Wal-Mart, they have a gazillion videos to choose from and it's quite overwhelming at first...and then I realized that all the Biggest Loser DVD's are separated from the other workout videos and it took even longer for me to choose!

I finally settled on a DVD with the Biggest Loser trainer Bob (who I'm in love with even after he worked my butt off last night) and the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout with Jillian (who I am a little afraid of but also love). My first night working out with Bob was intense and challenging but so rewarding and I'll tell you, I'm not really sure how those people on the show workout like that weighing 300-500 lbs all day every day! I'm sorta in shape and I struggled and it was only a 30 minute workout! Kudos to those who are on the show! Dang!

Speaking of Biggest Loser, I hate the sore losers on that show! I feel it is more about losing weight and encouraging others to lose weight and not so much about winning the money! There are some seriously inspiring people on that show. People who struggle with knee problems and back problems. People who have life threatening diseases and are pushing through all that to lose weight just to stay alive. And then there are people like Melissa from this season! Yuck! I don't know how else to say it and if I had to be in that house with her, she would get hit! She lost 0, that's right 0 pounds the first 2 weeks and she has the nerve to tell other people they aren't working to their full potential when they are losing 10-20 lbs per week! She's just plain mean and I can't stand her! Blah!

Hopefully I'll keep up the routine of working out 3-4 days a week and hopefully I'll make it through Jillian's DVD!

Happy Birthday Baby John!

Ok, ok, so he isn't really a baby anymore considering he turned 23 today, but one year and 22 days still makes him my baby brother! That's right only one year and 22 days separates me from my younger brother and that's probably why John and I have always been pals!

Here's to the guy that stole my thunder 23 years ago! The one who knows how to flutter those long lashes and sweet talk our mother into babying him! Dixie's favorite boy in the whole world! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN! I'm just glad we don't have to have joint birthday parties now that we're all grown up, but for old times sake, we could have another pool party at Comfort Inn in January if you want, that's just how much I love you! haha

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Booty Camp Begins Now!

This week has been a busy one! Last Sunday I decided it was time to work off all the holiday weight I put on! haha! The holidays make me feel so slummy every year and usually after my birthday, I'm done with sweet treats!

I decided to start with the Denise Austin boot camp dvd that Laura gave me for Christmas! I've had one of her ab videos for years and absolutely love it because the moves she does really work! The boot camp dvd is intense but easy enough for beginners as well! I love it when you can choose the intensity of your workouts and gradually progress by using heavier weights!

On Monday I decided to do a yoga dvd with Rodney Yee! It feels so good to stretch out all your muscles and twist your body in abnormal ways to release pressure or stress!

Tuesday was awesome! There was a custody hearing for one of our clients and I got to go for my very first time and help in court! It was supposed to last only most of the day, but we ended up being there from 9:30 until 5:30! After I got home, I told Lance I had to go release some pent up energy and I went to the gym to run for about 30 minutes! Warm weather would be much appreciated in the near future! I would much rather run outside with Finn, but sadly it's still too cold!

Wednesday I had to run a few errands and took a break from the workouts, but on Thursday I was back at it! I decided to do another program on the boot camp dvd then run on the treadmill in Lance's garage! Boy oh boy do my legs hurt! That program consisted of squats and other leg exercises!

On Friday, we went back to court for a continuation of the Tuesday hearing and I had to sit from 9 until 7! If we were done earlier than 7, I probably would have gone to the gym, but I decided to go out to dinner instead! haha!

It feels so good to be working out again! I figure that as long as I'm attempting to do around an hour of working out a day, then that should be a good starting point! I just can't wait for warm weather because it motivates me to get outside and play!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


1. I haven't been able to sleep since I started working out again on Sunday.
2. I went to a custody hearing in court today...and love it! Good thing I wore half decent looking clothes today!
3. My hair desperately needs to be colored and so I'm going on Friday to have it done!
4. I'm officially O-V-E-R winter and being pale!
5. I think Lance is slightly turning vegetarian since he added veggie burgers to our rice tonight instead of a pound of ground beef! Yes!
6. I finally got my room decorated the way I like it and I'll probably be moving soon! Dang!
7. I'm really excited because Lance closed on his 5 acres of land...but wait, now he'll be poor and I'll have to pay for our activities! Darn!
8. I went to the Tifton Wal-Mart more when I lived in Athens then I do now that I've moved home! Weird!
9. Someone tell me the point of shaving your legs during the winter...
10. Can you tell it's midnight and I desperately need and want to go to sleep but can't ?

Thanks for listening and I'm sorry if you actually read this list of pointlessness! ha!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm Backkkkk!

I've been on a blogging hiatus for...oh, I don't know...a few months! It definitely has not been for a lack of events going on in my life! In fact, I've really just been too consumed with things happening and haven't really had a lot of time to share!

First, I got a job working for a lawyer! Yay! I absolutely love my job, I love the people I work with, and I love not having to do homework or study for school anymore! Yippie! Instead of reading for hours on end and then going to class everyday, I am now a legal assistant/office manager. I've actually gotten to the point where I can finish documents in divorce cases and the filing clerk has become one of my new friends! haha!

Second, I became an aunt to the most precious little boy! Whenever I have free time and his mommy will let me, I visit with him! He's getting to be so much fun now that he laughs and coos at you! I can't wait to see him very soon!

Third, I do not miss Athens in any shape of form, especially because they got snow this week! Yuck! I love living back in my home town where I am near my parents and Lance. I've been home for almost six months and it's getting to that time where I'm about to have to move out! Even though I don't really want to live by myself (I'm a big scaredy cat), I also don't want a roommate (that didn't work out too well for me last time)! Hopefully I can find somewhere that allows animals and Finn can spend the night with me a lot!

Well, now that I've actually posted again...I'll try to keep this up! We'll see how that goes!

p.s. Lance and I went to see Avatar last night! I was skeptical at first but a few days ago I changed my mind and decided I might really like it! Y'all, it was one of the best movies I've EVER seen! The colors, special effects, actors were ALL amazing! I have no idea it was 3-D so that felt like an added bonus to me! It ain't cheap to go, but it's worth it, trust me! The Tifton theatre was gross, as to be expected, and even though Lance and I vowed to never go there again, we gave it one more go. That was there last shot though because they were out of all Coke products and were extremely rude about it (Lance bought a water that cost $3.50, what a rip off)!