Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's Try Biking For a Change of Pace

Anyone who knows me knows that I start new projects frequently. The only problem is that I start new projects, get really into them and then never finish...ever! I start reading countless books only to put them down before I reach the end (not good when you were an English major), I learned to knit (sadly only scaves), I started running with the intention of running a half marathon in January (only to quit before I could technically run a full 5 K). I had good intentions when starting each of these projects and countless others only to never finish them. The good news for me is that I am a starter and Lance is a finisher. I decide I want to refinish a piece of furniture, give it a few hours of my attention, say I'm going to come back later and then Lance ends up finishing things for me. He can't stand to leave things halfway finished (unless you count laundry and dishes)!

Tonight began a new project for us. I called Lance after work to let him know I was going to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Much to my surprise he was already there with one of his friends. They were in the bike isle picking out new bikes and helmets. Fortunately, I already have a bike that I got from Santa about 10 years ago and my sister and brother-in-law recently brought it to me! I was already set to being this new biking venture!

I figured that since it was our first biking adventure, we would probably go a few miles. More like 7.5 when we finished! I'm pretty excited about this new project, mostly because it means I don't have to run and because I didn't have to spend $150 on a new bike that I might be tired of riding in a few weeks! Wish us luck on our new biking routine! More likely than not, I'll be posting soon on how I had a horrific accident and fell off and will never ride again...only time will tell! Stay tuned, this could get interesting!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, My!

Very recently, Lance decided to begin a new business venture (I won’t get into the details now, mostly because I know barely anything at this point) which required him to make a journey to Jacksonville for the day. He got up at the crack of dawn (meaning twenty minutes after he was supposed to get up, as is good Lance fashion) and left for Jacksonville at approximately 6:45 a.m. He didn’t have to be there until 10:00, so he was already doing well.

I was at his house most of the morning, attempting to do as little as possible and waste a perfectly good day. Try as I might however, I did end up doing some productive tasks. I unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher, washed and dried his clothes, re-organized his furniture. Typically, one wouldn’t enjoy doing these things, but I actually enjoy housework when I have time and am not forced to do them. At about 7:55 p.m. I decided it was probably time for me to go home and take a shower due to the fact that I hadn’t had one since 6:45 a.m. the day before and since we were supposed to go to dinner with another couple. I efficiently put the puppy outside, turned off the lights and left Lance’s house.

Since Lance was coming back through town and was starving, he decided to swing by my house and pick me up after my shower. After I got into the car, we both decided we would just go back to his house and eat something there and relax. As we were walking in the door, I was explaining to him how I thought we should move the furniture around in one of the rooms. As I entered the back of his house, I suddenly realized his back door leading out to the garage was standing ajar. I’m not sure why, but whenever these types of situations present themselves, I always remain extremely calm for the first 20 seconds and ask aloud why something is the way it is. For instance, when I was standing in my bathroom one night and happened to look out through the window and see a man’s face staring back at me, I asked, “Who is that?” in the most calm and fluid manner. As if these things are just going to have logical answers to them! I once again used that reasoning when I spotted the open door.

Lance told me to stay there and went into the other room to get his shot gun. I looked around and felt even more puzzled because nothing seemed to be missing at first glance. After I had been standing there about 30 seconds, Lance called out, “Anna, someone stole my shotgun!”. Now, please remember that I had been moving furniture earlier that day and for some reason, I just happened to re-arrange the room he keeps his guns in. The only gun I touched was that shotgun and I put it in the closet of that room. If I hadn’t been so scared at that moment, I would have burst out laughing because he thought someone had actually left the four TVs, computer, and whatever else we have that might be of value in that house and had stolen his shotgun in one of the back rooms!

After checking all of the rooms and closets thoroughly, Lance came to the conclusion that when I put the dog out earlier, I shut the door but it didn’t close all the way and just gradually opened up. That is the theory we are sticking with because I don’t want to know if someone actually broke in at this point. The funny thing is that I dreamt that night that someone broke in and we found a man with a beard asleep in Lance’s guest room. This dream, I fear came from the fact that someone actually broke into a house down the street from where my dad lives. A woman came home during the middle of the day to find a strange man taking a shower in her house. When she called the police, he calmly explained that everything was okay because he was the Duke of Germany.

Needless to say, this was probably the most exciting thing that happened to us all weekend, but it does make for a pretty funny story!