Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh What a Wonderful Weekend!

Lance and I decided we needed some R&R this weekend! On Friday we loaded up the car with bags and a large puppy and headed down to St. Augustine! We got there too late on Friday night to go out so we just unpacked, walked Finny, and watched a movie.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful! I took Finn for an early morning walk (he's used to running free in the backyard all day) then we got Lance and all went for a Jeep ride! Finn loved hanging out the sides and smelling everything we passed. It was so cute to see him running back and forth in the backseat (he had on a leash and I was holding the other end, so he wasn't getting out)! Lance and I tried to layout for a bit after our ride, but the wind got the better of us after about 30 minutes. We went back took a nap then showered and got ready for dinner. About 5 minutes down the road from the condo is a cute little restuarant called JR's. They had a live band and a bar outside. We dranks some margaritas and listened to music while waiting on our table. Lance ordered Ahi Tuna (yuck! I'm too scared to try it) and I ordered a Mahi Mahi with pinapple salsa on top! Yum-O! I tried to save half but...I kinda started dancing in the car and my to go box dropped on the floor of Lance's truck! Oops!

Sunday was a little dreary! We took Finny for another walk and then packed up to head home! All in all, it was a great weekend! I have some pictures of Finn hanging out of the Jeep, but I'm too lazy to put them up! haha!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Week of Celebration!

It has been a busy week around here! A "normal" week for Lance and I would consist of us going to work, getting home, fixing/eating dinner, exercising, watching tv, and then I go home and go to bed. We are one exciting couple, I know! ha!

This week started out pretty slow with the "normal" routine and got busy, busy, busy after that! Wednesday was one of Lance's coworkers last days in the cath lab. Kyle and his wife Kayla are moving back to Albany so Kyle can work at Phoebe and go back to school. About 20 people went to Loco's on St. Patty's day to celebrate and say farewell! Kyle really will be missed at work, but I know Lance and I will see him and Kayla all the time!

Thursday was Lance's 28th birthday! Wow! He's getting so old! I think this year was still go for Lance, but I think he's a little worried about getting closer to 30! I can't believe he's almost that old. When we started dating 3 1/2 years ago, he was the age I am now! For his birthday, Lance decided he wanted to go out of town since he was oncall Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We drove down to Valdosta and at a Japanese grill. It was actually really nice because no one else was seated at our table with us and we got our own private cook and show! While we were eating, our waiter came up and told us a car blew up outside. I got really worried and asked Lance to go outside and make sure it wasn't my car...or one close by! haha! It was actually across the street and I don't think anyone was hurt, just a lot of smoke!

Friday, I got off work at 4:30, picked Lance up and we went to the grocery store. My wonderful mother picked up some BBQ and Brunswick stew from a fantastic place for dinner. We came home a whipped up baked beans, salad, BBQ and stew for Lance's parents, aunt, uncle, counsins, and my parents to celebrate his birthday! We had a wonderful time and the best part is, Lance's aunt Shelby helped me wash all the dishes! Bless her heart! I meant to take some pictures, but I never realized how time consuming it is to be a hostess! haha!

I got up early on Saturday to clean my room and bathroom which I have been neglecting for months! Lance went out to his land to do some mowing and cleaning up. We once again played host and hostess to four people that work with Lance on Saturday night. Lance grilled burgers and quail to celebrate the warm weather (I had a veggie burger) and we had a really wonderful time!

Whew! This week and weekend have been a whirl wind, but we've really enjoyed hanging out with all our friends and meeting new people! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend also!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

When I was a little girl, I loved the color pink, baby dolls and doll houses! I was such a girly girl and I think it's all because my daddy made me that way! He always took Lauren and I to Babyland General to watch Cabbage Patch Dolls being born! I love that he has given me my fantastic collection of Nesting Dolls and he knows I love blankets! I only wish that I could give him more!

I'm just so thankful to have such a wonderful Daddy who loves me and still takes care of me to this day! I hope you have a wonderful birthday Daddy! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

It's March for crying out loud! Why is it still snowing in Georgia! Last year I was still living in Athens and around this very time there was a huge snow storm! It just so happened that midterms were the very next day and lovely, always up-to-date UGA didn't announce that school was cancelled until about 7 or 8 that night! Umm...I was only already above Macon! Thanks a lot UGA! What would have been a 3 hour trip turned into almost 5 hours with me driving alone in snow! People from Georgia know how to drive in rain and mud...but not in snow! I was scared to death and at one point driving 20 mph just to keep from sliding off the road! SO glad I don't have to worry about that this year!

Monday, March 1, 2010

In Exercising News...

I've been pretty bad the last 2 weeks! Last week, I exercised only 2 or 3 times and the week before...I really feel off the wagon by not exercising AT ALL! Yikes!

I decided to start this week off right and asked Lance if he would run a 5k with me tonight. That little sweetheart ran behind me the whole time and we only stopped to walk twice for about 30 seconds each! It's pretty sad that I haven't ran in about a month yet my 5k time was better tonight then it was 4 months ago when Lance and I were actually "training" for this 5k.

I'm trying to stay up on my videos and this weekend I bought a "Dancing With The Stars" workout video with Latin dances. I haven't tried it yet but I'm really excited about trying something new. Lance doesn't know this, but every time those P90X videos come on, I secretly want to order then and see how good those work!

Working out has changed so much for me in the last few months and ever since I've started doing "The Biggest Loser" videos, I've realized that my body can do so much more than I think it can. When you have someone pushing you and telling you not to give up, it makes it so much easier to keep going!