Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Chee WaWa!

Adios Denise Austin! I just did my third Last Chance workout with Jillian from Biggest Loser and wow! She kicks my butt everytime! The best thing about this dvd is the way it's split into workouts. There are different workout routines for 6 days of the week and that's just for weeks 1 and 2. After you finish those weeks, you progress up, but I'll probably be on the first two weeks for more like 3! Yikes! It is the most intense way I've ever worked out and I would never have the motivation to do this on my own!

If you're trying to get inshape and tone up, I highly recommend it! Just don't give up after a few days! I'm sore, but it's nothing that would interfere with my daily life (aka I can still walk)!

I'm hoping that by warm weather, nothing will be sticking out in weird places around my bathing suit! haha!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fitness Update

Surprisingly, I haven't given up the workouts just yet! It seems I found my niche in doing workout videos from home. Although I like Denise Austin, her bootcamp video was becoming a little stale after doing several times a week, so I went out and purchased some new videos last night.

If you go the fitness section in Wal-Mart, they have a gazillion videos to choose from and it's quite overwhelming at first...and then I realized that all the Biggest Loser DVD's are separated from the other workout videos and it took even longer for me to choose!

I finally settled on a DVD with the Biggest Loser trainer Bob (who I'm in love with even after he worked my butt off last night) and the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout with Jillian (who I am a little afraid of but also love). My first night working out with Bob was intense and challenging but so rewarding and I'll tell you, I'm not really sure how those people on the show workout like that weighing 300-500 lbs all day every day! I'm sorta in shape and I struggled and it was only a 30 minute workout! Kudos to those who are on the show! Dang!

Speaking of Biggest Loser, I hate the sore losers on that show! I feel it is more about losing weight and encouraging others to lose weight and not so much about winning the money! There are some seriously inspiring people on that show. People who struggle with knee problems and back problems. People who have life threatening diseases and are pushing through all that to lose weight just to stay alive. And then there are people like Melissa from this season! Yuck! I don't know how else to say it and if I had to be in that house with her, she would get hit! She lost 0, that's right 0 pounds the first 2 weeks and she has the nerve to tell other people they aren't working to their full potential when they are losing 10-20 lbs per week! She's just plain mean and I can't stand her! Blah!

Hopefully I'll keep up the routine of working out 3-4 days a week and hopefully I'll make it through Jillian's DVD!

Happy Birthday Baby John!

Ok, ok, so he isn't really a baby anymore considering he turned 23 today, but one year and 22 days still makes him my baby brother! That's right only one year and 22 days separates me from my younger brother and that's probably why John and I have always been pals!

Here's to the guy that stole my thunder 23 years ago! The one who knows how to flutter those long lashes and sweet talk our mother into babying him! Dixie's favorite boy in the whole world! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN! I'm just glad we don't have to have joint birthday parties now that we're all grown up, but for old times sake, we could have another pool party at Comfort Inn in January if you want, that's just how much I love you! haha

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Booty Camp Begins Now!

This week has been a busy one! Last Sunday I decided it was time to work off all the holiday weight I put on! haha! The holidays make me feel so slummy every year and usually after my birthday, I'm done with sweet treats!

I decided to start with the Denise Austin boot camp dvd that Laura gave me for Christmas! I've had one of her ab videos for years and absolutely love it because the moves she does really work! The boot camp dvd is intense but easy enough for beginners as well! I love it when you can choose the intensity of your workouts and gradually progress by using heavier weights!

On Monday I decided to do a yoga dvd with Rodney Yee! It feels so good to stretch out all your muscles and twist your body in abnormal ways to release pressure or stress!

Tuesday was awesome! There was a custody hearing for one of our clients and I got to go for my very first time and help in court! It was supposed to last only most of the day, but we ended up being there from 9:30 until 5:30! After I got home, I told Lance I had to go release some pent up energy and I went to the gym to run for about 30 minutes! Warm weather would be much appreciated in the near future! I would much rather run outside with Finn, but sadly it's still too cold!

Wednesday I had to run a few errands and took a break from the workouts, but on Thursday I was back at it! I decided to do another program on the boot camp dvd then run on the treadmill in Lance's garage! Boy oh boy do my legs hurt! That program consisted of squats and other leg exercises!

On Friday, we went back to court for a continuation of the Tuesday hearing and I had to sit from 9 until 7! If we were done earlier than 7, I probably would have gone to the gym, but I decided to go out to dinner instead! haha!

It feels so good to be working out again! I figure that as long as I'm attempting to do around an hour of working out a day, then that should be a good starting point! I just can't wait for warm weather because it motivates me to get outside and play!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


1. I haven't been able to sleep since I started working out again on Sunday.
2. I went to a custody hearing in court today...and love it! Good thing I wore half decent looking clothes today!
3. My hair desperately needs to be colored and so I'm going on Friday to have it done!
4. I'm officially O-V-E-R winter and being pale!
5. I think Lance is slightly turning vegetarian since he added veggie burgers to our rice tonight instead of a pound of ground beef! Yes!
6. I finally got my room decorated the way I like it and I'll probably be moving soon! Dang!
7. I'm really excited because Lance closed on his 5 acres of land...but wait, now he'll be poor and I'll have to pay for our activities! Darn!
8. I went to the Tifton Wal-Mart more when I lived in Athens then I do now that I've moved home! Weird!
9. Someone tell me the point of shaving your legs during the winter...
10. Can you tell it's midnight and I desperately need and want to go to sleep but can't ?

Thanks for listening and I'm sorry if you actually read this list of pointlessness! ha!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm Backkkkk!

I've been on a blogging hiatus for...oh, I don't know...a few months! It definitely has not been for a lack of events going on in my life! In fact, I've really just been too consumed with things happening and haven't really had a lot of time to share!

First, I got a job working for a lawyer! Yay! I absolutely love my job, I love the people I work with, and I love not having to do homework or study for school anymore! Yippie! Instead of reading for hours on end and then going to class everyday, I am now a legal assistant/office manager. I've actually gotten to the point where I can finish documents in divorce cases and the filing clerk has become one of my new friends! haha!

Second, I became an aunt to the most precious little boy! Whenever I have free time and his mommy will let me, I visit with him! He's getting to be so much fun now that he laughs and coos at you! I can't wait to see him very soon!

Third, I do not miss Athens in any shape of form, especially because they got snow this week! Yuck! I love living back in my home town where I am near my parents and Lance. I've been home for almost six months and it's getting to that time where I'm about to have to move out! Even though I don't really want to live by myself (I'm a big scaredy cat), I also don't want a roommate (that didn't work out too well for me last time)! Hopefully I can find somewhere that allows animals and Finn can spend the night with me a lot!

Well, now that I've actually posted again...I'll try to keep this up! We'll see how that goes!

p.s. Lance and I went to see Avatar last night! I was skeptical at first but a few days ago I changed my mind and decided I might really like it! Y'all, it was one of the best movies I've EVER seen! The colors, special effects, actors were ALL amazing! I have no idea it was 3-D so that felt like an added bonus to me! It ain't cheap to go, but it's worth it, trust me! The Tifton theatre was gross, as to be expected, and even though Lance and I vowed to never go there again, we gave it one more go. That was there last shot though because they were out of all Coke products and were extremely rude about it (Lance bought a water that cost $3.50, what a rip off)!