Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm Back!

Oh those tricky Google people! I have recently created a new e-mail account and apparently my blog did NOT like that move! It tried to block me from creating new blogs, but this is obviously a frequent problem due to the fact that I found an option on my account to help me out! So, I'm back! ha! They can't keep me away!
In other news, next week marks the end of the spring term here at old UGA, and boy am I excited! Even though this semester hasn't been too difficult, it is always a relief to know that the end is in sight! Honesty, the closer I get to my actual graduation, the less I have to drive and that is something to be SO excited about! Six hours in the car every other weekend is a chore when you also have to do homework (but I'm sure Dad and Laura would tell me six hours in a weekend is a piece of cake compared to twelve in one weekend)!
I get to pick up the tickets for my departmental graduation! Yay! Mom bought me and beautiful new dress to wear just for the occassion (well, actually she bought it for herself, brought it home to try and ask my opinion, and I stole it from her) and I truly appreciate it! It is red and white and looks exactly like something Minnie Mouse would wear, so it is absolutely perfect! I wonder where I can find heals just like Minnie's?
Even though graduation is just around the corner, that also means that finals are also! I'll be hidden away in a corner of the library until Thursday because I have a ten page paper due! Don't freak out! I've already done my research and spent a day writing outlines and notes, but I haven't actually written very much that will actually be turned in. It's a process people and one that I will hopefully not be repeating for much longer!
I think blogs with pictures are so much more interesting, so hopefully I'll have some fun ones to share again soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Know It Isn't Thanksgiving, But...

Even though it's April, let's all be thankful! Just because it isn't November doesn't mean I can't list all of the things I'm thankful for right this minute!
I feel incredibly blessed to have God watch over me everyday!
My parents and siblings are so wonderful and I don't know what I would do without them!
Lance is so kind and patient and I am so thankful to have an amazing boyfriend!
Even though school is really stressful, I am so proud of all I have accomplished and just for the opportunity to go to school!
During this difficult economy, I am so glad that Lance has found a job!
I have so really wonderful girl friends and I am so thankful they go to the library with me and make me laugh (especially with finals quickly approaching)!
I am thankful for food in my belly, a roof over my head, my health, and joy in my heart!
School is getting incredibly hectic and stressful and I just felt like I needed to remember all of the wonderful things in my life at this very moment and just feel blessed!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

When Is Graduation?

April is overwhelming! Just in this one month alone, I have a million things to turn in! Starting with a test I took in my Modern Drama class on Tuesday (I made an 88 on that), I am currently working on a 10 page paper I have to turn in for that class next Tuesday! On Monday April 13, I have to turn in a one page paper, Wednesday I have to give a 10 minute speech for my Jane Austen class, Friday I have to turn in a 5-7 page paper for my Introduction to Drama class and an annotated bibliography with 7 sources for my Jane Austen class. The Wednesday after that I have to give a group presentation in my Intro to Drama class and a group presentation on schizophrenia in my Counseling class on Thursday. Then I have a 10 page paper due in my Jane Austen class on April 30.
As if ALL those things are not enough... I still have to take 3 finals and write a final 3 page paper for my Entomology class! Smart teachers would not give me an evaluation to fill out for their class while I am attempting to finish any of these projects because I don't particularly favor any of them at this point! Oh the joys of being an English major in my senior year!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I've been a bad blogger lately! Honesty, there has been a drought in the excitement departement of my life, but there has been a monsoon in south Georgia! The weather has been doing some CRAZY things lately! We started out the month of March with snow and ended it with flooding! Lance selflessly postponed his recent move into Mom's rent house in order to allow one of his co-workers, Kyle, and his wife Kayla to stay there. Last week eight of their neighbor's houses were flooded after an afternoon of rain and when another storm moved in, they decided to not take any chances. Lance and all the other people from the cathlab moved all of the valuables from Kyle and Kayla's house over to the empty rent house a few days ago and they are planning on staying there until all this crazy weather ceases and they are sure their house will be safe from any damage. Lancelot saved the day!
In other news, I have been super busy (for probably the first time this semester) trying to write papers and give presentations in ALL of my classes! I cannot believe how fast this semester has flown by! I will be able to walk out in a cap and gown (but not officially graduate) in about a month! At times, college has been so stressful and there have been times I thought I would never make it. Even though I am completely unsure where I will go after I graduate, I am so thankful for the experience and I am hopeful something will lead me in the direction I am supposed to go with the rest of my life!
Lance and Finn are heading up to Athens tomorrow to visit me! On Friday night Lance is taking me to the movies to see Adventureland (my absolute favorite activity) and then on Saturday we are doing something we've never done before, going to a UGA baseball game! The weather report says it isn't supposed to rain on Saturday and let's hope that doesn't change! If I'm not too busy writing all these papers and doing research I just might post some pictures of the event! Happy Friday to all!